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Your Hair and What to Wear

It’s important to plan your interview attire prior to your interview. As a rule of thumb wear a navy blue, black or grey suit. Dressing in business casual attire is appropriate for a warehouse interview. For example, dress slacks and a button-down shirt makes a good impression in a warehouse setting. Do Not wear revealing clothing as this will be a distraction for the interviewer and probably won’t land you the job.

Make sure that your hair is neat and clean. Your nails should also be cleaned and filed. It’s important to also smell fresh but Do Not wear any perfume. Various perfume or cologne smells can be overpowering for the interviewer. The interviewer may also be allergic which could make the interview experience unpleasant. Remember you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

What to bring

Bring yourself and your credentials ONLY. Whatever you do, Do Not forget your resume. This displays a sign of unpreparedness and disorganization.  If you do decide to bring your cell phone, be sure to turn it off during your interview. It is distracting and will take you off your interviewing rhythm if it rings or alarms during the interview. Don’t chew gum or bring a cup of coffee into your interview. This is not a time to appear laxed.

Interview Etiquette

What is interview etiquette? Interview etiquette refers to the best practices and commonalities of interviewing.

Remember to greet anyone you come in contact with when entering the business of your interview. Give a firm handshake. Be polite and courteous, and be ready to share your full name, who you are here to see and your purpose of entering the building. Be enthusiastic, upbeat and smile, no one wants to see a person that lacks energy during an interview. This may send the message that you are not really interested in the position that you are interviewing for.

During the Interview

Pay attention to the questions that are being asked by the interviewer and answer the interview questions in a precise manner. Do Not circle around the questions as this may come across as having unclear thoughts and potentially not being truthful about your experiences. Make eye contact when making your points and watch your overall body language. No slouching, gazing off into space or folding your arms.

Get Directions

If you’re interviewing in-person, get the address of the interview location and use Waze, Google Maps, or a similar app to get directions. This will give you an idea of how long it will take to get to the location. You may even want to travel to the location prior to the interview day to understand exactly where you are going. By doing this you will avoid getting lost on the day of the interview. On the day of the interview give yourself an additional 30 minutes by leaving your home 30 minutes earlier than the time it takes to get to the location. Don’t forget to consider parking.

Ask Questions

Prepare questions pertaining to the job to ask the interviewer. Ask specific questions about your duties and responsibilities. Ask about the company culture and future goals. The bottom line is, you must have questions to show that you are genuinely interested in working for the organization.

Send a Thank You Note

Send a thank you note to show your appreciation for the time the interviewer spent with you. Restate how your knowledge and expertise will benefit the organization. Share with the interviewer how interested you are in the opportunity.